@database "AppISizer.guide" @node main "AppISizer 0.72 1992-1994 G rard Cornu - Guide summary" @{b}AppISizer 0.72 Guide Summary@{ub} (23-Jun-94) @{" Copyright " link copyright} @{" Distribution " link distribution} @{" Requirement " link requirement} @{" New " link nouveau} @{" Introduction " link introduction} @{" Description " link description} @{" Installation " link installation} @{" Starting AppISizer " link starting} @{" Configuration " link configuration} @{" Output window " link window} @{" Removing AppISizer " link removing} @{" Author's address " link author} @{" Usage restrictions " link restrictions} @{" Warranty " link warranty} @{" Credits & Thanks " link thanks} @{" Index " link index} @endnode @node copyright "AppISizer copyright and other boring stuff" @prev main @next distribution @{b}AppISizer@{ub} - version 0.72 23-Jun-94 1992-1994 @{" G rard Cornu " link author} - @{i}Compiled with @{" SAS/C " link thanks 45} 6.51@{ui} AppISizer, as well as all the accompanying files, is 1992-94 G Cornu. @endnode @node warranty "NO warranty for AppISizer" @prev restrictions @next thanks NO WARRANTY ~~~~~~~~~~~ There is no warranty for this software package. Although the @{" author " link author} has tried to prevent errors, he can't guarantee that the software package described in this document is 100% reliable. You are therefore using this material at your own risk. The author cannot be made responsible for any damage which is caused by using this software package. @endnode @node distribution "AppISizer distribution" @prev copyright @next requirement DISTRIBUTION ~~~~~~~~~~~~ This software package is freely distributable. It may be put on any media which is used for the distribution of free software, like Public Domain disk collections, CDROMs, FTP servers or bulletin board systems. In order to ensure the integrity of this software package, distributors should use the complete original distribution. The author cannot be made responsible if this software has become unusable due to modifications of the distribution contents or of the distribution files themselves. There is no limit on the costs of the distribution, e.g. for the media, like floppy disks, streamer tapes or compact disks, or the process of duplicating. Such limits have been proven to be harmful to the idea of freely distributable software, e.g. instead of reducing the price of the floppy disk below the limit, the software was simply removed from the master disk. Although the @{" author " link author} does not impose any limit on the distribution of this software, he would like to express his personal opinions on this matter: * This software package should be made available to everyone free of charge whenever it is possible. * If you have acquired this software package under normal conditions from a Public Domain dealer on a floppy disk at a price higher than 25FF or US $5, then you have definitely paid too much. Please don't support this improper profit making any longer and switch to a cheaper source as soon as possible. --------- Alan Pfeil is certainly allowed to include it in the @{" I.C.P.U.G. " link icpug} Amiga library. @{" Fred Fish " link thanks 13} is obviously allowed to include it in its unique @{" AmigaLibDisk " link fred} library. @{" Thierry Colin " link thanks 50} is authorised to include it in the @{" D.P.A.T. " link dpat} collection. @endnode @node fred "Fred FISH and the AmigaLibDisk library" @prev distribution @next main FRED FISH and the AmigaLibDisk Library: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | As regard to Fred and the AmigaLibDisk library, don't forget to | | contact your club or 'Fish disks' distributor to have them take a | | regular subscription to the AmigaLibDisk library, if they don't | | already have one. This is very important for the future of the Amiga- | | LibDisk library, therefore for the future of the Amiga. | | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ @endnode @node restrictions "Usage restrictions for AppISizer" @prev author @next warranty USAGE RESTRICTIONS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ No program, document, data file or source code from this software neither in whole nor in part, may be used on any machine which is used * for the research, development, construction, testing or production of weapons or other military applications. This also includes any machine which is used in the education for any of the above mentioned purposes. * by people who accept, support or use violence against other people, e.g. citizens from foreign countries. @endnode @node requirement "AppISizer requirement" @prev distribution @next nouveau REQUIREMENT ~~~~~~~~~~~ AppISizer needs at least KickStart 37.175 to run, and has been developed and tested with KS 37.175 and WB 38.35. Also tested with KS 40.62 and WB 40.29. I can't foresee any reason why it shouldn't work with higher versions as well. @endnode @node nouveau "New for AppISizer" @prev requirement @next installation N E W ~~~~~ - AppISizer now tells the @{" number of blocks " link window} needed to copy the objects sized on an OFS and FFS disks. - AppISizer is now localized and supplied with a danish, deutsch and french catalogs. For other languages I rely on nice people who would return to me the translated 'AppISizer.ct' file, (see below). If you have WB2.1 or over, and you wish that AppISizer 'talks' to you in Danish, Deutsch or French (not a very good french I'm afraid ;-) just copy the Locale/catalogs//appisizer.catalog to your 'LOCALE:catalogs//' directory. If on the other hand, you would like to do a translation in another language, use the enclosed 'AppISizer.ct' file, then send @{" me " link author} a copy once completed. This will allow me to send you the resulting *.catalog file and include it in the next release. Thank you in advance. The 'size engine' of AppISizer hasn't been modified at all, Why? ... I haven't received a single @{" error report " link author} about it ;-) @endnode @node installation "Installing AppISizer" @prev nouveau @next introduction Installing AppISizer: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Open the Install drawer, then double-click on your language's icon, or one of your choosing (;-). @endnode @node introduction "Introduction to AppISizer" @prev installation @next description INTRODUCTION ~~~~~~~~~~~~ AppISizer is the 'Workbenchised' version of my littl'ol' Sizer utility. Not only is it Workbenchised, but as soon as it is launched it transforms itself into an @{" AppIcon " link appicon} , what a miracle! No... easy, @{" thanks " link thanks 9} to C= Amiga software people, not forgetting the hardware guys! I almost forgot to tell you something very important, AppISizer SHOULD be pronounced 'happy sizer' ;-) @endnode @node appicon "AppISizer AppIcon" @prev configuration @next configuration APPICON ~~~~~~~ If you need more info about 'AppIcons' have a look in the RKRM Libraries 3rd edition page 359+ (ISBN 0-201-56774-1), or just try AppISizer and you'll quickly know what an AppIcon is ;-). @endnode @node description "Quick description of AppISizer" @prev introduction @next configuration DESCRIPTION ~~~~~~~~~~~ AppISizer puts an @{" AppIcon " link appicon} on your Workbench (see @{" configuration " link configuration}). Once you drop an icon on top of it, the represented object will be 'sized' and a @{" window " link window} will open to give you the results. You can drop several icons at once, using multi or extended selection . @endnode @node window "Description of AppISizer's output window" @prev description @next configuration WINDOW OUTPUT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Block size: 512 bytes, for DH0:Locale Blocks needed on OFS disks .............X 1st line Blocks needed on FFS disks .............X 2nd - Total number of files ..................X 3rd - Total number of directories ............X 4th - Total number of bytes in files .........X 5th - Actual number of blocks used ...........X 6th - Actual size occupied : 237056 bytes, 231 K. The first line tells you how many blocks are needed to copy those objects to an OFS formatted disk. And the second one tells you the same thing but for a FFS formatted disk. To get the number of free blocks available on a disk, click on the disk icon, then choose "Information..." from the "Icons" menu. The number of free blocks is displayed on the top left hand corner of the newly opened window. I wont explain the 3rd line even if I have to say that it includes the .info file, if any, for each object, and all the files in all the subdirectories, for the fourth one, of course it includes all the subdirectories and sub-sub-sub... directories (if any!) plus the directories given as argument(s). The 5th line tells you the total number of bytes of all the files and the 6th the actual number of blocks all the files, directories, subdirectories, sub-sub...directories occupy on their respective device. This total includes the user directory blocks, the file header blocks as well as the file list blocks. Suppose you have 'AppISized' a directory containing 10 files with a size of 256 bytes each. The 5th line will tell you 2560 bytes, but the 6th will say 21 blocks, 10 for the files themselves, plus 1 block for the 'File Header' for each file, plus 1 block for the dir itself, which gives a total of 21 blocks. Suppose the device on which those files are kept have a real block size of 512 bytes, the total occupied will be 10752 bytes. For each item it scans, 'AppISizer' looks at the block size of the containing device and calculate the occupied size accordingly. The block size given in the heading of the results is the data block size of each object. ************************************************************************** * * * Please note that while the data block size for OFS is 488 bytes, this * * is the 'usable' size, the 'raw' size is 512 bytes. A non HD floppy * * has 1758 usable blocks so a raw size of 1758 x 512 = 900096 bytes or * * 879 KB, this doesn't mean that all that is available for your data. * * Some of this is used by 'user direcory', 'file header'and 'file list' * * blocks. And if you are using OFS (OldFileSystem) for each block of * * data, 24 bytes are used by the filing system. * * * ************************************************************************** @endnode @node starting "Starting AppISizer" @prev window @next removing STARTING APPISIZER ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It can be started either by entering its name in a Shell (preceded by 'run >NIL:', double-clicking on its icon, or by dropping AppISiszer in your WBStartup drawer. @endnode @node removing "Removing AppISizer" @prev starting @next author REMOVING APPISIZER ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Very easy, just double-click on AppISizer's @{" AppIcon " link appicon} then click on 'Remove AppISizer'. @endnode @node configuration "AppISizer: AppIcon configuration and output window position" @prev description @next starting CONFIGURING APPISIZER ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AppISizer (from version 0.61 onward) supports 5 ToolTypes and 5 command line options. The ToolTypes are: ICON_PATH ICON_XPOS ICON_YPOS WINDOW_XPOS WINDOW_YPOS The command line template is: ICON_PATH/K,ICON_XPOS/K/N,ICON_YPOS/K/N,WINDOW_XPOS/K/N,WINDOW_YPOS/K/N: ICON_PATH is for specifying an alternate @{" AppIcon " link appicon} , the full path should be given. The '.info' extension is optional. If this tooltype is not set or if this path doesn't indicate an icon, AppISizer will use its internal icon image. ICON_XPOS and ICON_YPOS are for the X (left position), and Y (top position) of the internal or external @{" AppIcon " link appicon} . Please note that if you specify a position which is already occupied by another icon, or if you specify either position as 0, or if you supply only one position, Workbench will place the AppIcon wherever it sees fit. WINDOW_XPOS and WINDOW_XPOS are for positioning the top left hand corner of the @{" output window " link window}. The following is only for people who don't know how to use tooltypes: The ones supplied are in the form: (TOOLTYPE_FOO=) <--- note the parentheses and the angle brackets If for example you want to use the tooltype ICON_PATH, you have first to remove the two parentheses, then replace the text and angle brackets by your choice i.e.: ICON_PATH=My_icon_assign:contains/the_nicest_icon ICON_XPOS=500 ICON_YPOS=128 WINDOW_XPOS=50 WINDOW_YPOS=25 Command line example: run >NIL: AppISizer icon_path=dir:containing/my_icon icon_xpos=500 icon_ypos=20 window_xpos=120 window_ypos=25 Those tooltypes and options were added following suggestions I received from Lucas Janin, thanks @{" Lucas " link thanks 29}. @endnode @node warning "Little warning!" @prev main @next main WARNING ~~~~~~~ A quick word about AppISizer and links. Personally I don't use links, not yet, I didn't get time to look at them! So AppISizer has not been tested with soft or hard links. But don't hesitate to give @{" me " link author} any information about them and AppISizer's behaviour. @endnode @node author "AppISizer author" @prev main @next main Send any suggestion, bug report, compliment ;-), dark chocolate, freely distributable software, 16 Gb hard disks, A3 48 bits colour scanners, CDROM drives and disks, brand new AMIGA 6000 with RISC CPU, etc... OR JUST A POST CARD (made of dark chocolate!) to: G rard CORNU 11 avenue Edouard Aynard 69130 ECULLY FRANCE. @{" (WPC) " link wpc} Have plenty of nice days! ... me too! @{" Shameless plug... " link plug} @endnode @node wpc "W.P.C." @prev author @next main World People Community ;-) @endnode @node plug "Looking for some work..." @prev author @next main I can translate documentations of commercial program or hardware manuals, from English or American to French. I have a very good knowledge and experience of the Amiga and computing in general. Send any proposition to: G rard Cornu 11, Avenue Edouard Aynard 69130 cully (France) @endnode @node dpat "D.P.A.T." @prev distribution @next main D.P.A.T ~~~~~~~ French PD library, @{b}D@{ub}omaine @{b}P@{ub}ublic @{b}A@{ub}miga @{b}T@{ub}oulouse. Started and managed by Thierry Colin at AmigaNews. @endnode @node icpug "ICPUG" @prev distribution @next main I.C.P.U.G ~~~~~~~~~ ICPUG is the one and only Independent Commodore Products Users Group. ICPUG is a non-profit making voluntary group run by its members for its members. To become a member of this brilliant club contact: Jonathan Cooley ICPUG Membership secretary 10 Willson Road, EGHAM, Surrey, TW20 0QB ENGLAND. @endnode @node thanks "AppISizer's author would like to thank..." @prev main @next main (in alphabetical order...) Amiga For being the best platform to 'work' on. Amiga News The one and only French Amiga magazine edited and published on an Amiga. Commodore-Amiga For making and improving it. Software and Hardware Teams @{" Fred Fish " link fred} For the much helpful @{" AmigaLibDisk library " link fred}. rard Cornu For the bad french translations: AppISizer's catalog, install script and AmigaGuide. ;-) ;-/ ;-\ ;-} Hanns Holger Rutz For the german translations of ApppISizer's catalog and AppISizer's Install script (based on Hanns's ChangeIcon's Install.script ;-) and for the suggestions. @{" I.C.P.U.G. " link icpug} For all the nice guys and gals making it! Jen Allen For the chocolate bars, and everything else! me Chesnot For all the support and much more. rgen Thomsen For translating AppISizer's catalog and AppISizer's Install script to Danish and for the suggestions. Joy & John Harding For their kindness, and for showing me their nice Devon country. Lucas Janin For being the first AppISizer user to tell me so (;-) for the suggestions and everything. Mark J. Lednor For supplying me with AmigaLibDisks, and loads of stuff from Aminet. Patrick Burnand For the support and suggestions. Paul OVERAA For an helpful article deciding me to start to write Sizer, then AppISizer. P. E. Barba For the support. Peter Miles For having supplied me with AmigaLibDisks, and all the help. @{" SAS/C " link copyright} Team For my preferred compiler environment. Stefan Becker For the indispensable ToolManager, and for letting me use his disclaimer. Thierry Colin For having upgraded (just kidding!) And all the other people for supporting me and/or the Amiga ;-) @endnode @node index "AppISizer Guide General Index" @prev main @next main @toc main @index index APPISIZER GUIDE INDEX ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ @{" AmigaLibDisk " link fred} @{" AppIcon " link appicon} @{" Author " link author} @{" Bug report " link author} @{" Catalog " link nouveau} @{" Chocolate " link author} @{" CLI options " link configuration} @{" Compliments " link author} @{" Configuration " link configuration} @{" Copyright " link copyright} @{" Credits " link thanks} @{" Description " link description} @{" Distribution " link distribution} @{" D.P.A.T. " link dpat} @{" Fran ais " link nouveau} @{" Fred FISH " link fred} @{" French " link nouveau} @{" I.C.P.U.G. " link icpug} @{" Installation " link installation} @{" Introduction " link introduction} @{" Languages " link nouveau} @{" Links " link warning} @{" Localisation " link nouveau} @{" New " link nouveau} @{" Output window " link configuration} @{" Plug " link plug} @{" Post card " link author} @{" Removing " link removing} @{" Requirement " link requirement} @{" Restrictions " link restrictions} @{" Shell " link starting} @{" Starting " link starting} @{" Suggestions " link author} @{" Tested " link requirement} @{" Thanks " link thanks} @{" Tool types " link configuration} @{" Usage " link starting} @{" Warranty " link warranty} @{" WBStartup " link starting} @{" Window " link window} @{" Workbench " link starting} @endnode